The Jeff Gahan Money Machine, Part 11: Lawyers from afar, expressing gratitude to Jeff Gahan for their billable hours — and the curious case of Stan Robison.


Previously: The Jeff Gahan Money Machine, Part 10: Oh Cripe! Or, the path from Al “Indy” Oak’s company PAC leads to Silver Street Park and Breakwater, and probably others.

Some people do pushups, but during the coming weeks we’ll be plucking highlights from eight years of the Committee to Elect Gahan’s CFA-4 campaign finance reports. Strap in, folks — and don’t forget those air(head) sickness bags.

With the exception of Stan Robison, who was selected by Jeff Gahan to serve as the secondary, non-bond-fee-harvesting half of our city attorney duo from 2012 through (circa) 2016, surprisingly few local lawyers have donated to Gahan4Life during the period 2011-2018, and most of the ones who did ceased tithing after 2011.

Well, Gahan fooled a lot of us those first few months.


Lee E Buchanan 100
K. Lee Cotner 500
Faith Ingle Smith 700
Shane Gibson (city attorney/contractor) 895
William Lohmeyer/ Lohmeyer Law Office 300
Lorch Law Office 250
Robison Law Office Corp 5,250
Nicholas F. Stein 200

But as time went by, the outsiders definitely made up for it.


*Applegate Fifer Pulliam LLC 150
Total: $150

*Barnes & Thornburg LLP 2,800
*Jeffery M Mallamad 250
*Thomas A. Pitman 500
Total: $3,550

*Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP 1,250
*Duane R Donton 100
*Donald J Graham 100
*Dwayne C Issacs 100
*J Richard Kiefer 250
*Hans W Steck 100
Total: $1,900

*Faegre Baker Daniels LLP 5,500
*Anthony Scott Chinn 500
*Frederick Garver 750
*David Gogol 1,000 (Washington DC consultant for Faegre Baker Daniels)
Total: $7,750

*Frost Brown Todd LLC 1,000
*Frost Brown PAC 8,000
*Nelson Dale Alexander 250
*Kevin Charles Murray 150
*Sarah S Riordan 250
*Beau Zoeller 350
Total: $10,000

*Ice Miller
*Thomas K. & Laura H. Downs 300
*Jeffrey Hokanson 250
*Andrew Miroff 500
*Thomas Mixdorf 500
Total: $1,550

*Mallor Grodner LLP
*Amy L Stewart 100
Total: $100

*Jonathon “Wienzapple” Weinzapfel 1,150
Total: $1,150

*Kelly Zullo 1,000
Total: $1,000

The tote board speaks for itself.

Townies: $8,195
Outsiders: $27,150
8-Year Total: $35,345

Returning to the confines of New Albany city limits, Robison contributed more frequently than his local colleagues (5 years) and also more than doubled their total. After Robison resigned as City Hall attorney, he was appointed by Gahan to fill a slot on the post-hostile takeover New Albany Housing Authority board, serving ever since as a pliant foot soldier under David “Captain Queeg” Duggins.

I noticed something else about Robison’s donations, as dutifully reported on the mayor’s CFA-4 sheet by his eldest daughter, then as now the treasurer.

It’s Robison, not Robinson. No wonder Stan stopped giving.


Rebuttals are welcome and will be published unaltered — so don’t forget spellcheck. If you have supplementary information to offer about any of this, please let us know and we’ll update the page. The preceding was gleaned entirely from public records, with the addresses of “individuals” removed.

Next: The Jeff Gahan Money Machine, Part 12: Madam I’m Adam, or the way HMB’s Dickey brokers power and channels his party’s beak wetting.