GREEN MOUSE SAYS: Latest Reisz City Hall cost estimate reaches $9,250,000 — and the tote board keeps spinning.


Previously the Green Mouse suggested that at least $390,000 had passed from Redevelopment to Denton Floyd to defray the purchase price of the former Reisz Furniture building.

ON THE AVENUES: Histrionic preservation? $8.5 9.25 million to gift Jeff Gahan with a new city hall “want” is inexcusable and simply obscene in a time of societal need.

The Mouse has since been persuaded that $750,000 is closer to the mark, as it pertains to accounting for the money already spent by City Hall to facilitate a new city hall — whether it’s reflected by Redevelopment accounting or not.

With there being no dispute that annual rent-to-own payments of $570,000 will total $8.5 million over the 15-year life of the agreement, the Mouse proposes that $9.25 million be used as the latest, best cost estimate — and this is before moving expenses, interior decor, computers, tables, chairs and other top o’ the line equipment is purchased.

The final city council vote will come at the Monday, July 2 meeting.