Here’s an idea Irv Stumler won’t want to miss: Beautify Tiger Truck Lines, and watch the city squirm.


Last weekend, we walked the Greenway from 18th Street to the Loop Island Wetlands, emerging where Irv Stumler’s model local trucking firm parks all of its job creation junk.

  • 1. Seemingly useless rubbish which sits around for months and is inevitably disposed of the day before it is needed.
  • 2. A reference to something of little or no value
  • 3. The male genitalia
  • 4. A kind of Chinese boat
  • 5. Heroin

Yes, months later, the squalor still aptly symbolizes …

Tiger Trucking’s affectionate “fuck you” to the residents of New Albany.

But we already know that Tiger as a unit is a recurring, discordant and anti-social element, so let’s move on to the future of the wetlands and the former Moser tannery.

In recent months, there has been a noticeable uptick in graffiti and vandalism at the former Moser Tannery, and as the missus reminded me when I remarked on this, it’s now city-owned property. It’s getting gritty down there, with lots of broken glass and debris.

The story of the city’s $800k transaction was published in June.

City buys former tannery, evaluating it for future development, by Marty Finley (Louisville Business First)

A former tannery that previously was pegged for redevelopment as apartments has a new owner and its potential uses are being assessed.

The city of New Albany purchased the former Caldwell/Moser Tannery, a four-acre site in New Albany near the Ohio River Greenway.

The city of New Albany has purchased the former Caldwell/Moser Tannery and an adjoining wetlands area near the Ohio River Greenway …

No media account dealing with New Albany government would be complete without the requisite “he didn’t call back” disclaimer.

It was not clear from the release how much of that investment is carried by New Albany. Mayor Jeff Gahan did not return a call seeking comment on the project, and (Mike) Hall was unsure of the amount.

Does he ever? Rest assured, if I were a TIF zone, it’d be time to buy Astroglide in bulk.

The bigger point is this: If Irv’s worried about appearances, shouldn’t he be actively convincing his pals at Tiger to clean up their act, so the city’s adjacent squalor would be set in even greater contrast?