Earth to Warren & the Boardettes: Speeding is a DESIGN issue, not an ENFORCEMENT issue.

But the good news is that Mr. Nash is providing valuable, if inadvertent, tutelage in other areas of critical detective work.

Such a shame that a city like ours is unable to make appointments by virtue of inherent skill sets rather than distantly burnished DemoDixiecrat political credentials, but such is life in Under Knob. 

Board of Works adjusts speed limit on Division Street in New Albany (N and T)

NEW ALBANY — In response to safety concerns raised by business owners and residents, the New Albany Board of Public Works and Safety lowered the speed limit on a portion of Division Street on Tuesday.

The limit was ordered to be reduced from 25 mph to 20 mph between Vincennes Street and 15th Street along Division Street. The street winds behind the Calumet Club as well as a church, and when there are functions at those organizations officials said traffic can cause some issues.