Jeff Gahan redefines the Human Rights Commission as an exciting new captive mayoral art project.


This post was edited on September 7 to correct an unfair bias against HRC appointee Cliff Staten. For the explanation, go here.

Mayor Jeff Gahan has released the winning entry in his Human Rights Commission Mayoral Art Project, which posed the question: Can you take this strange idea …

… and make it palatable to Democratic Party voters?

And the winner is: JEFF GAHAN!

Here is the mayor’s winning entry.

To recap:

Gahan belatedly rediscovers misplaced “pride,” appoints Warren Harding Nash to the long lost Human Rights Commission, and disappears back into the bunker.

Predictably paranoiac and suitably suspicious, and unable to find any symbolic minorities to co-opt with Human Rights Commission seats, Gahan appointed two old straight white males tied to the local Democratic hierarchy, so no, he’s not exactly artistic, our Jeffrey.

The bunker-bound mayor seeks only to control the HRC, and we need to understand that assigning political cronies like Nash to an HRC kept inert on blocks by Gahan himself over a period of YEARS reflects absolutely no commitment to human rights.

Gahan barely understands the concept, much less cares to pursue it. Rather, it’s about appointing loyal Democratic sycophants to keep CONTROL over the apparatus — in short, to try to ensure the HRC remains dormant.

The last thing Gahan wants is an autonomous, principled and active HRC, because the first order of business for an autonomous, principled and active HRC would be investigating Gahan’s record in office.

The good news? It’s a malfunction that we can repair, very soon.
