All the Estonia links are here, in one place.


All the Estonia links are here, in one place. The photo was taken on the Baltic beach in Tallinn. I just looked outside, and it appears to be New Albany. This apparently means vacation is over, and with it the coffee break.

We’re back on our heads.

Estonia Spring Break 2016: Day One, and the joys of steerage class.

Estonia Spring Break 2016: Day Two, and an orientation walk through Tallinn’s Old Town.

Estonia Spring Break 2016: Day Three, with a thrift store visit and the Museum of the Occupations.

Let’s have a look at “The Singing Revolution” and Estonia’s historical experience.

Estonia Spring Break 2016: Day Four … the old and the new; the beach and the beer.

Estonia Spring Break 2016: Day Five (1 of 2) … a fish market and the exceedingly bizarre Linnahall.

Estonia Spring Break 2016: Day Five (2 of 2), featuring a bus ride to the ‘burbs and two Old Town pubs.

Estonia Spring Break 2016: Day Six, and a big surprise in Helsinki.

Estonia Spring Break 2016: Day Seven — odds, ends, kelders and kvass.

Estonia Spring Break 2016: Day Eight, and home, though not before a few reflections.

Old and new in Tallinn, Estonia, 2016.