The complete PDF: “Ordinance Adopting Chapter 160: Rental Property Code,” for your reading pleasure.


Below is the entire 22-page PDF file of the proposed ordinance.

You also can read it here.

Roger tried to obtain this file in Word format, but was informed by the city clerk that this cannot be done; agendas and minutes are in Word, but everything else is PDF.

For background, the most recent newspaper story:

New Albany councilman plans to bring back rental property item March 7, by Jerod Clapp

Vice-President Greg Phipps said he’ll have his rental property registration ordinance back for a final vote at the council’s March 7 meeting. He said a committee working on the ordinance will not have rental property owners or renters as members, but that the committee has used real estate agents as advisers.

Greg Roberts’ call to the east Spring Street Neighborhood Association:

Rental property ordinance: “Very Important City Council Meeting (March 7th).”

The slumlords/landlords will be there in force to speak against this program. so we need to be there in force as home owners to be speak for this program and to protect our investments!

NAC’s series on Pat Harrison’s proclivity for incorrect but jack-booted usage:

Pat Harrison’s Slumlord Uprising of 2008, 6/6: “Endangered Slumlord Protection Act? Local rental property mogul and realtor cites a ‘pitiful’ absence of tax breaks.”

Eight years later, and it’s déjà vu all over again as Pat Harrison prepares to defend our downtrodden slumlords against the Gestapo.

Finally, Roger’s recent column on the topic:

ON THE AVENUES REPRISE: Die hard the Hunter, or the political “impossibility” of rental property registration in New Albany (2015).

Nine years passed, NOTHING achieved. You’re forgiven for questioning how New Albany’s political caste, comprised primarily of politicians identifying themselves as Democrats, manages the feat of sleeping at night. But you see, vampires — they’re both dead and undead, right?

Conscience doesn’t factor into it … does it?

Big thanks to Jeff Gillenwater for the heavy lifting.