Peter places the spotlight on LCBW, one last time.


It may interest readers to learn that I’m not the only writing member of the NABC team. Peter Fingerson, who we hired to work in the brewery a few months back, also has column space at, and here’s his most recent submission.

LCBW – Beginnings and Endings

Now that Louisville Craft Beer Week has come to a close, and before its memories have slipped out of our collective consciousness for a while, I feel it necessary to bring it into the spotlight one last time before that happens. By this time, it should be common knowledge that it was a success. This was the biggest, baddest (the cool sense of the word), and most well-attended LCBW to date, which is truly an amazing thing. Now we just need a way to tally how many pints were consumed throughout the week. Is there an app for that?