My reflecting pool runneth over with beer.


It’s awfully hard to select the week’s funniest moment, amid mayoral press releases and the Vickster slapping herself on the back so hard that her cigarette hit the dirt floor of her hovel, but not to be overlooked is a Tribune letter to the editor from Shirley Ann Larner.

Neither Matthew Nash nor Roger Baylor will even be the real men who care about other people, like Dan Coffey and Steve Price, until they change their ways. I visited Roger Baylor’s business one time and was quite surprised that there was no reflecting pool, so he could look at his image all day. Maybe it was there, but it was just hidden away.

Shirley, I’m giggling all the way to the first post in quite a while at Citizens Faux Accountability.

SUDDEATH: So Professor, why do you keep such a low profile?

PROFESSOR ERIK: As you can see I’m African-American. Since most of my followers are bigots, I thought I’d “put on the Mask.”

In other news, we’ve learned that Matt Nash didn’t actually write his column today, and that recently deposed city council president John Gonder believes in mobility solutions that actually might solve problems instead of exacerbating them.

What was that, Mrs. Larner? I shouldn’t use the word “exacerbate” in print, lest I give hormonal young men ideas which will render them blind?

Tell it to the historical society, will ya?