Food for thought.


In case you missed them, two examinations of last week’s primary election have appeared in the local blogosphere:

Primary Election Analysis, by Maury Goldberg (New Albany Today blog).

Democrat Council At-Large Candidates In Trouble This November?: Under votes and why they count, by Coop (New Albany 15A blog).

Maury asks, “The question in the 3rd City Council District is can Steve Price unite the Democrats?”

Or … perhaps more accurately stated, will the 3rd district’s approximate 2/3 majority voting in opposition to Price – as much as ¾ if Republican voters are counted in – unite against the accidental councilman in the fall?

Readers, your thoughts are appreciated. Post if you wish. Is a coffee klatsch merited?

(Not a coffey klatsch, mind you. Way too bitter for my taste, and anyway, the 1st district has its own dross to bear).