UPDATED: Teach-in to be held outside the City-County Building before and during the Thursday, May 19 meeting of the City Council


Permit me to say just this: NA Confidential strongly concurs with the sentiments expressed in this media advisory, which was received shortly after midnight during a rare bout of insomnia.

NA Confidential supports the “Garry Plan” and opposes any effort on the part of the City Council’s “no progress at any price” faction — this being the one that has yet to offer a credible and legal alternative to the Garry Plan — to cut Scribner Place funding under the false expedient of fiscal “rectitude.”

Your support is needed at this critical juncture.

Recall that from its inception, NA Confidential has sought to advance the idea that the advancement of the city of New Albany — our home — is worth it, and that there is a constituency for progress right here, right now.

These constituents for progress must make themselves known — to the City Council, but far more importantly, to each other.

NAC hopes to see you at the teach-in Thursday evening.


Noon, May 17, 2005

Citizens Call for ‘Responsibility’ From City Council
Residents Hope to Avert City Shutdown
Support for Scribner Place, Continued City Services Part of Teach-In

NEW ALBANY, Ind. – A group of New Albany residents plans to hold a “teach-in” before and during Thursday’s meeting of the City Council.

The council is scheduled to take a final vote to approve or reject a budget plan proposed by the administration of Mayor James E. Garner.

The so-called Garry Plan, formulated by city controller Kay Garry, is designed to ease the city past a one-year shortfall resulting from previous overspending by the city.

Residents and business owners in the city will gather outside the City-County Building starting at 5 p.m. Thursday, May 19, to illuminate the options facing the city and to urge the adoption of the Garry Plan.

Jeffrey Gillenwater, one of the organizers of the gathering, expressed concern over threats to the Scribner Place project by council members.

“Some of them seem willing to risk millions of dollars that have already been committed to the Scribner Place project. That’s a vote against progress for the city of New Albany.”

“Reneging on that commitment runs counter to everything the people of New Albany voted for in 2003. The city’s reputation with private investors could never survive such a vote.”

“We’re not sure everyone in the city is aware of the gravity of Thursday night’s council meeting,” said Randy Smith, another organizer. “Unless council passes the Garry Plan, the administration will have no choice but to close down many city operations.

“We are worried that council is ignoring the welfare of the city for the sake of some hidden agenda. That’s unacceptable.”

A series of speakers will explain why the city was forced to adjust its budget and how the Garry Plan would enable the city to continue normal operations with currently available funds. Expecting a large turnout, the group intends to stand vigil outside the government building before and during the council meeting so as to minimize any possible disruption to the meeting itself.

Media inquiries should be directed to Randy Smith at (812) 944-5116 or by e-mail to ops@destinationsbooksellers.com

UPDATE: In the Tuesday Courier-Journal, Rally to back New Albany budget; Residents support belt-tightening idea, by Ben Zion Hershberg (limited shelf life on C-J links).