It’s where my head is heading.
We have the ability to have those fights on offense under a Biden presidency while we are likely to be almost entirely on defense under a second Trump administration.
It’s a sensible plan, seeing as for a lefty like me, there is nothing whatever to recommend Biden apart from who he is not. Honesty is good policy in such an instance.
A Militant Union’s Strategic Case for Joe Biden, by John Nichols (The Nation)
Instead of portraying Biden as “a savior,” the United Electrical union argues for beating Trump and then pressuring the Democrats.
The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, an 84-year-old independent union with a history of prioritizing working-class solidarity over party politics, has come to the conclusion that the best strategy is to level with the 35,000 workers it represents in manufacturing industries and public- and private-sector jobs.
UE is not feigning enthusiasm for Biden. Instead, in a stark assessment of the race issued just before the traditional Labor Day pivot into the fall campaign, the union’s general executive board acknowledged that “working people deserve a government, and a president, who will stand up for them against the corporate onslaught of the past several decades. Under both Republican and Democratic administrations, greedy corporations have destroyed good jobs, attacked our unions and devastated our communities. We have to be honest that the 2020 elections will not deliver that president.”
Unions often go overboard when it comes to talking up Democratic nominees. But UE officials are taking a different tack as they communicate with workers in battleground states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania.
“We are clear that Biden is no savior, and will likely seek to implement the same kind of corporate-friendly policies as previous Democratic presidents Obama and Clinton,” admits the union statement. But, it adds, there is also clarity about something else: “The working class cannot afford four more years of Trump.”
That’s not a typical union endorsement. In fact, says UE general president Carl Rosen, “We do not consider this to be an endorsement of Joe Biden by UE but instead that it is a strategic recommendation to our members and to working people in general that they vote for Biden to remove Donald Trump from office.”
Very cool "endorsment". Just short of vomiting all over the page. I feel about the same,unfortunately