20,000 square feet of living space in an old Masonic Temple in Huntington, Indiana.


Huntington, Indiana (Lime City) lies 25 miles southwest of Ft. Wayne and a few clicks west of I-69. Huntington dates to 1834, and the Wabash & Erie Canal once ran through it. Perhaps appropriately, the satellite view of Huntington (population 17,000) reveals a downtown with as many nicely paved surface parking lots as buildings.

As a child Robert Alan Deal lived for a few years in Huntington, the county seat of Huntington County. He’s better known as Mick Mars, guitarist for Mötley Crüe. Both the noted Civil-War era Copperhead (read: rebel sympathizer) Lambdin P. Milligan and future vice-presidential potato head J. Danforth Quayle practiced law in Huntington; perhaps appropriately, Huntington University is the “top-rated Christian college in Indiana.”

Here’s an interesting story from Atlas Obscura about an inspired (insane?) act of adaptive reuse.

The Monumental Undertaking of Moving Into an Old Masonic Temple
, by Jessica Leigh Hester

The 20,000-square-foot house requires endless renovations, but the ceiling is high enough to fly a drone inside.

 … The temple in Huntington, Indiana, wasn’t the house the couple had in mind when they decided to move east from San Diego, where they’d grown up and started their family. Atom was into aquaponic gardening, a pursuit that can take up a lot of land, and land costs a lot less in the Midwest. But a few years ago, while visiting family, they happened across the sprawling, stately building and noticed that it was on the market …

 … After closing on the building in the fall of 2016, the family had to figure out how to turn a 20,000-square-foot space, built in 1926, into a home for a family of five …