As the topic of New Agony City Hall’s first web site post in over a month, Team Gahan chose to exalt pure politics to the exclusion of numerous topics of relevance on the part of the majority of the populace, those not occupying seats on the Floyd County Democratic Party’s fix-stays-in central committee.
Jeff Gahan’s epitaph? It will be “He Kept Us Apart” — from half our government, and I’m not talking about Republicans … although Gahan is.
Speaking of the GOP, we have a winner in the contest to replace Billy Stewart as county commissioner.
The Floyd County Republican Party has selected the newest member of the Floyd County Commissioners. On Thursday, a caucus was held at the Calumet Club in New Albany to hear from potential appointees. Out of the six who tossed their hats into the ring for the District 3 seat, the caucus ultimately landed on Tim Kamer. Kamer will take the place of Billy Stewart, who resigned from his post as president of the commissioners in December to expand his role at Hofmann USA.
Meanwhile the NewsBune awakened Chris Morris to perform a professional eulogy for Susan Orth, who is retiring as a judge. Predictably, Morris sought the viewpoint of Democratic party chairman Adam Dickey, who is at least as familiar with the concept of “jurisprudence” as Mitch McConnell.
Is this vacancy the one Matt Lorch has endured abuse from his own political party for the past five years in order to be anointed for? Only the shadow knows, but so far, Shane isn’t talking.
There were all kinds of local sporting events this week. Those don’t matter at all, so we’ll ignore them. Of greater relevance is the Board of Works picking favorites when it comes to downtown street closures.
ASK THE BORED: Is consistency among BOW’s mandates when it debates street closings?
On Monday there was a merchant meeting.
The meeting lasted an hour, during which there was no mention whatever of the impending (2021) Sherman Minton Bridge repair-mandated adjustments — lane and ramp closures and the like — that stand to have a disruptive impact on downtown specifically, and in more general terms the city as a whole. Does Team Gahan have the latest in a long series of top secret plans reserved for the 11th Hour? If not, or even if so, shouldn’t this coping strategy be something we’re openly planning for? Or is participatory “infrastructure” of this sort simply not a priority in Nawbany, lest real people become involved?
We’ve said it before, so to repeat: The only bridge repair disruption “plan” Team Gahan possesses at present involves amassing propaganda in order to blame Republicans for it.
Finally, a tip of the hat to restaurateur Ian Hall. Until you’ve poured yourself into birthing an independent local business, done all you can to nurture it, then be compelled to face reality and euthanize your own creation, you simply cannot grasp how hard it was for Ian to make this video. There is much to be learned from any such decision. That doesn’t mean it’s easy
VIDEO: Longboard’s Taco & Tiki has closed, but Ian Hall has good news, too.