Local Democrats angrily rally against openness and transparency as “The City of New Albany Defies Court Order on Records’ Requests.”


At this point just about any fair-minded citizen can’t avoid the only real question.

Gahan’s public records scandal: WDRB’s Marcus Green breaks it down as the News and Tribune flails ineffectually.

Exactly what is Gahan hiding?

Go to The Aggregate for the scoop.

The City of New Albany Defies Court Order on Records’ Requests, by Nick Vaughn (The Aggregate)

 … The default judgement, issued on December 18th, ordered the city to provide the plaintiffs with the documents they requested back in August within 10 days and the payment of over $2,000 in legal fees.

On December 30th, The Aggregate News staff checked in with one of the plaintiffs, Irv Stumler, regarding whether the city had provided the documents and court fees by the December 28th deadline.

In a text message, Mr. Stumler stated that “No, we have not heard from anyone at the city” …