SHANE’S EXCELLENT NEW WORDS: Zoochosis in fact and fiction.


Last evening we observed the cool kids in their natural habitat.

Election Day was like Viagra for my Twitter parodist Rogar’s ejaculatory prose.

Regular reader T noticed something important.

I’m going to assume they work in the City-County Building. I heard the working conditions there are inhumane so they may very well be suffering from zoochosis.

Astute; not only does “zoochosis” fit comfortably within Team Gahan’s citywide syllable limit, but it’s also a disturbingly accurate characterization. Might David Barksdale be Rogar? Inquiring minds would rather not know.

Unlike Rogar, zoochosis is real.

Zoochosis is a word used to explain the stereotypical behavior of animals in captivity. The stereotypic behavior is described as an invariant, repetitive behavior pattern with no apparent goal or function. Animals in zoos and other forms of captivity suffer from stress and depression and display unusual behaviors. These habits are not displayed by animals roaming in the wild which means that confinement has detrimental effects on the health of animals. The condition was identified by Bill Travers in 1992. Zoochosis is displayed through behavioral disorders such as circling, pacing, bar biting, excessive grooming, addiction, and self-harm. Zoochotic animals also portray eating disorders such as anorexia.

It’s a sad situation for the animals … not to mention the minions, although soon the advent of the Reisz Mahal should help immensely.