I’m the European-style Social Democrat voting for Mark Seabrook for mayor of New Albany, and for two basic reasons: Seabrook is the best candidate, and he will be the mayor we need right now.
ON THE AVENUES: Socialists for Seabrook, because we desperately need a new beginning in New Albany.
… Seabrook will be surrounded and advised by the most capable cast of adjutants and actual thinkers that we’ve seen for a while in this city, including (although not confined to) sitting councilman Al Knable, (hopefully soon to be) councilman Scott Stewart, State Representative Ed Clere, party chairman Shawn Carruthers and quite a few others, and with a younger generation of energetic, principled leaders on the horizon.
In this News and Tribune letter from September 27, my friend eloquently explains why Democrats should vote for Seabrook as well.
Democrat calls for change
Politics is about power. Leadership, however, is about service.
As a lifelong Democrat, I’ve taken a great interest in New Albany government and am, frankly, appalled by the insularity and lack of transparency displayed by the incumbent.
It’s time for a change.
Mark Seabrook has never lied to me. He has never tried to mislead me. And most importantly, he has never pretended that I, as an unelected citizen, should have no voice in my local government.
That’s not something I can say about the candidate nominated by my party.
Since about half of all votes are now cast in early voting, I feel it’s time to make my choice public. I urge my friends and family to elect Mark Seabrook to be New Albany’s next mayor. His record of service is obvious. He is the only candidate we can count on to be honest, accountable, and transparent.
The next mayor will be faced with dramatic problems. The debt accumulated during the past 8 years is unsustainable and it will take a skilled leader to deal with those problems.
Mark Seabrook is that leader. Whether we are Democrats, Republicans, or independents, we can’t afford four more years of this incumbent. Elect Mark Seabrook.
New Albany