BEER WITH A SOCIALIST: Cumberland Brews is coming to a close after 19 years in operation.


As noted previously, it now is my (part-time) job at Food & Dining Magazine to take note of comings and goings in the local food and drink business, and admittedly most of these news items pertain to restaurants and bars with which I’m unfamiliar.

Cumberland Brews is an obvious exception in my cosmos, and I’m in a mournful mood since learning of the brewpub’s upcoming closing after a final day Saturday, October 5.

The stumbling Athletics were well on their way to losing the wild card game when news of Cumberland’s passing began spreading on social media Wednesday night, and to be honest, I completely forgot about baseball and began reliving some warm, good times in that cramped, wonderful space.

I wrote about it at F&D, and you can read the obituary here: Raise a parting glass to Cumberland Brews, bowing out Saturday after 19 years.

Let the tankards speak; bye, guys. It was fun.