Not quite the resonance of CSN&Y, but give them time. Also not to be confused with Pints&union, mind you.
Back in August we had a look-see.
Steve Resch plans a new entertainment venue in Jeffersonville.
Unnoticed Ironies, Volume 3,465: While everyone loses their minds about parking for this new venue, (a) considerable housing is being erected nearby within walking distance, and (b) the prime force “driving” folks to downtown Jeffersonville continues to be the Big Four pedestrian/bicycling bridge.
Plans surface for new downtown Jeffersonville entertainment venue, by John Boyle (Bill Hanson’s Tom May’s Pulpit)
JEFFERSONVILLE — The vision for a new downtown entertainment venue is becoming more clear now that the proprietors have released their plans.
At Tuesday’s Jeffersonville Board of Zoning Appeals and Plan Commission meeting, developers Steve Resch and Chad Sprigler revealed plans for a project that will sit near the corner of Pearl and West Chestnut streets, directly adjacent to Parlour.
“What we’re bringing to the table is an asset to Jeff,” Resch said. “It’s going to be a destination to bring people downtown. You can tell by the drawings that we’ve put a lot of thought, time and effort into it. We’re going to throw the right amount of money at it to make it a good project.”
The sprawling layout for Union Restaurant & GameYard will comprise two houses sitting on West Chestnut St., the parking lot that separates them and an empty yard behind one of the houses.
The parking lot will be transformed into a green space that will be lined with astroturf. In place of the grassy void will be a 3,922 square foot structure, which will serve as the main dining and gaming area for the venture.
“It’s not a nightspot,” Resch said. “It’s a family-oriented, communal-type restaurant. We want to be user-friendly to everybody. There are games, food. It’s different than a typical bar or restaurant.”
Though Resch and Sprigler own the buildings, Bobby Bass of Southern Hospitality is partnering with Levi Donaldson as the owner of the concept being brought to the location. Bass and his wife are behind other popular operations in the area, including MESA in New Albany …