The parody site still appears first.
Meanwhile the enduring mystery in New Albany pertains to the ruling Democratic Party’s failure over a period of decades to empower the African-American community. There has been lots of platitudes and a few higher ranking political patronage positions, but no real commitment.
Would the situation improve under a Republican administration? Maybe, maybe not, although it couldn’t possibly be any more cynical than it is now. After all, when we refer to them as the DemoDisneyDixiecratic Party, reality comes perilously close to negating the satire.
Young Black Voters to Their Biden-Supporting Parents: ‘Is This Your King?’ by Astead W. Herndon (New York Times)
An organic effort by black millennials and Gen Z-ers to influence older family members against Mr. Biden may be important in the Democratic primary.
… But if (Biden) is to be overtaken by one of his more progressive rivals, the most powerful tool against him may not be opposition research or negative advertisements. Instead, it may be an organic effort by younger black voters — concerned about Mr. Biden’s age and more moderate ideology — to sway their older family members.