Thanks for reading NA Confidential, where we enjoy reconnoitering the neglected periphery for uniquely local perspectives on life in New Albany. Our New England getaway was in progress during the first part of July, when I usually compile the top ten lists, and then I got busy with other tasks. Consequently for June, 2019, I’ll list only the top ten posts sans honorable mention, in ascending order.
LIVE TO EAT: There’s nothing quite like German beer with German food, so get over to the Gasthaus and see what I mean.
I’ve spent the last few evenings looking at 30-year-old slides of Europe; prior to this, last December’s photos in Munich and Bamberg were organized. Through it all, periods of thirst have been handled with the help of Wernesgruner, a pilsner brewed in eastern Germany near the Czech border, which we’ve been keeping around the house.
It occurs to me that even if dinner is pickled herring from the Baltic areas of Germany and not sauerbraten or sausages from Bavaria, German beer remains the default accompaniment to German food. Make the argument for wine if you will. I like my chances of finding the ideal beer.
At The Aggregate, a discussion of the ethics and legality of Slick Jeffrey’s 4-H Fair propaganda blitz.
As we’ve pointed out numerous times in the past, the campaign finance cash Jeff Gahan collects from pay-to-play special interest donors and the tax proceeds we all pay into local government are often co-mingled to the point of pea soup fog. Too many voters shrug it off. They shouldn’t.
The problem is compounded by the mayor’s ego, which has long since swelled past the dimensions of a dirigible. He genuinely believes the press clippings generated by his own propaganda commissariat, and he can’t tell the difference between the city and himself.
A solid preview of The Standard Plate & Pour, coming to the former Gospel Bird footprint.
Good things happen when writers aren’t bound by the imperative to write to a 3rd-grade level and produce text capable of being read in two minutes. The newspaper’s editors give recent hire McAfee almost1,000 words, and she uses them quite well, producing one of the better Tom May Content Coagulator restaurant previews in a while.
Following up: Kudos to the city for the cleanup.
I’m told the city dispatched a crew to pack away the garbage and construction debris from the alley behind Pints&union, and they’re to be thanked for doing so — as is the health department for coming yesterday to have a look.
Egg on City Hall’s face yet again as fly-by-night rasslers exchange body fluids in Vinod Gupta’s building.
So there’s a health emergency in a rotting building and City Hall is clueless, but if Blevins stick a key in the ignition of a garbage truck just a few steps away, ordinance enforcement is there in seconds. You know, in New Albany it’s really hard to tell where the incompetence ends and the corruption begins.
A sign of things to come at Schmitt Furniture, as exterior restoration continues.

River City Winery’s sly Facebook tease about a move to Jeffersonville.
I blame it entirely on Mike Moore.Conversely, RCW provides no further information apart from the revised logo, and these things take time.
It’s the business of being in business: Matt McMahan explains the Cox’s-to-Boomtown Kitchen story … then drops the mic.
Consequently it’s refreshing to have Matt McMahan tell the story, which he did earlier today on Facebook. Whatever one’s opinion about Matt (and there are many, as with me) his grasp of dollars and sense in a small business context cannot be denied. Big Four was successful, but the purchasing group couldn’t hold it together, so Matt brokered a different outcome.
Department of City-Owned Chicanery: Why did the city pay $300,000 for this (now) vacant lot at the corner of Culbertson and E. 5th?
According to Elevate, the city of New Albany purchased the property in January for $300,000. There are derelict houses on all sides, and even the assessed value of a mere $47,800 seems too high — so why has the city paid more than six times the assessed value to own it?
What Steve Resch has in mind for the Jimmy’s Music Center building downtown.

It’s one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind.