Schmitt Furniture’s ongoing exterior restoration project took a big turn earlier today. The landmark Schmitt sign isn’t going away, just being moved while work is underway.
We are not closing 😉
Every day we get closer to bringing the corner of State and Main back to its original beauty. In order to do that we have to take the sign down to continue with the restoration. This is big. And it’s been a process. This sign has been up for a long, long time. We are so happy to share the amazing transformation with you. This is an exciting time for the Schmitt family. Thank you Rueff Sign Company for handling our sign with great care.
During the course of the work, various bits of history have been revealed.

Schmitt Furniture recently posted these before-and-after shots of progress on the State Street side of the business, which is made up of several older buildings bound together as one. Now their contours are being revealed.

Don’t forget Schmitt Furniture’s 83rd Birthday Bash on Saturday, July 13.

Last year was a blast, so let’s do this again. Help us celebrate our 83rd birthday and party the night away with the Juice Box Heroes. This is a free concert! Food, wine and brew will be available for purchase.
Food, beer and wine line up:
Chef Walker – BBQ
Wick’s Pizza
Fistful of Tacos
Wine by Huber’s Winery
Floyd County Brewing
Donum Dei Brewery
More to be added …