As we’ve pointed out numerous times in the past, the campaign finance cash Jeff Gahan collects from pay-to-play special interest donors and the tax proceeds we all pay into local government are often co-mingled to the point of pea soup fog. Too many voters shrug it off. They shouldn’t.
The problem is compounded by the mayor’s ego, which has long since swelled past the dimensions of a dirigible. He genuinely believes the press clippings generated by his own propaganda commissariat, and he can’t tell the difference between the city and himself.
We can do something about this in November: #FireGahan2019
Gahan for Mayor at the Fair?, by Daniel Johnson and Madison Miller (The Aggregate)
Last Wednesday, on a sunny day in New Albany, the Fair in Floyd County was offering everything from classic fair food to a full rodeo and grandstand events. It has been a long tradition, particularly in our smaller communities, for kids to bring their livestock and show them off before the market sale. For many of these kids, the Fair will be the highlight of the season. In the photograph above, Jeff Gahan, the current Mayor of New Albany, who is up for re-election this year, enjoys this event alongside his constituents by handing out free ride tickets in front of a Floyd County Democratic Party tent. Voters will be sure to remember this at the booth come election day. This was one of many Mayor’s Nights that have been going on for years, and it was not the first time Gahan has participated. However, this act of kindness has some political implications that, it could be argued, are unethical, or worse, illegal.
As voters in a republic, we all deserve to have the full context of actions taken by elected officials …