After a few years away, the word “boomtown” has returned to local usage owing to the impending establishment of the Boomtown Kitchen, to be located where Cox’s Hot Chicken briefly was, and before that Big Four Burgers, and a very long time ago the South Side Inn.
As usual, Kevin Gibson at Insider Louisville goes deeper than the News and Tribune.
Boomtown Kitchen set to open mid-June in downtown New Albany
… (Boomtown Kitchen owner Andrew) Collins says going to South Side for family meals remains a fond memory for him, adding, “I’m honored to carry that on.”
As for the menu, he says while he appreciates the modern cuisine in downtown New Albany, Boomtown Kitchen will be different; he says while many modern restaurants offer their spins on classic dishes, at Boomtown, “We want to bring you that classic dish.”
The word “Boomtown” is widely understood, dating to the period 1895-1900.
boom·town (bo͞om′toun′)
n. A town experiencing an economic or a population boom.
New Albany has not experienced a noteworthy increase in population (#GahanFail), but appearances seem to suggest a mild economic uptick, traceable to entrepreneurs like Collins.
Team Gahan enjoys taking credit for successes (whether deserved or not), but avoids responsibility for instances of belly-up, as with the ill-fated Boomtown Ball. It ran in New Albany for three years (2014 – 2016); DNA’s artlessly purloined Taco Walk now occupies this May slot on the mayor’s personal campaign finance enhancement calendar.
Boomtown Ball’s expiration occurred in 2017.
If you’re still wondering why the city of New Albany is engaged in the business of concert promotion, chalk it up to a bad case of Disney Envy.
Or maybe it isn’t Disney Envy at all. Gahan and the governing clique might have been ingesting a few too many mushrooms when having a Ball with Boomtown.
The state of consciousness experienced while inebriated by hallucinogenic mushrooms: “You have an ounce of mushrooms? Let’s eat these and go to Boomtown!”
The question is obvious, Jeffrey: Can hallucinogenic mushrooms be baked into Rice Krispies Treats?