If you prefer alternatives to cars, like a bicycle, then get ready to risk your life because all Jeff Gahan can do is laugh and give you another meaningless sharrow.
⚡️New Albany’s first electric car charging station -providing the power to choose cleaner energy.⚡️ Proud to provide options to our neighbors that prefer alternative energy sources.
Never forget that Jeff Speck showed Gahan exactly how New Albany might leap to the front of regional leadership when it comes to bicycling and a bicycle-friendly grid. But Gahan the suburbanite C-minus student can see only cars — and he cannot see how two-wheeled alternatives would provide him with the same campaign finance pull as car-centric street designers.
Can you even begin to imagine the mayor on a bicycle on a street with a succession of sharrows?
I can’t. Neither can he, which is why street grid stupidity like ours keeps happening.
Some Bike Infrastructure Is Worse Than None at All, by Eric Jaffe (CityLab)
It’s time to put the sharrow to rest.
Denver gave rise to the sharrow in the early 1990s, and now two researchers there offer a compelling case to put the lowly form of bike infrastructure to rest.
You’ve seen a sharrow painted on city streets: it’s that image of a cyclist below two arrows in the middle of a lane that—you guessed it—is meant to be shared by bikes and cars. The Federal Highway Administration gave sharrows its official blessing in 2009, and the symbol is now ubiquitous across urban America. It’s also arguably the least-loved nod to cycling, a low-cost way for cities to say they’re doing something about safety and street design without really doing much at all …