GREEN MOUSE SAYS: Did you experience glitches while voting in the primary?


During the early voting period leading up to the May 7 primary election, and on election day itself, the Green Mouse heard several reports similar to this one.

Be very careful when you vote. My daughter and I voted Saturday. She had to watch closely, as her selection kept jumping to someone she did not want. It took her a few times to get her vote in correctly! DOUBLE CHECK YOUR SCREEN WHEN VOTING BEFORE HITTING PRINT, and verify that your vote on the print out is correct!

In other words, instances of the machines confirming a name on the screen and then printing the opponent’s name. There also were reports of polling place workers feeding ballots into the hopper, not the voter. Rule of thumb is that workers are not allowed to handle the ballot or to view it.

Verily, the primary turned out to be a tad heated, as with the Election Board’s earnest request that candidates go without signage at polling places — and members of Gahan’s beak-wetting coterie openly thumbing their noses at it with their chairman’s brutal connivance.

Here at NA Confidential we’ve remained observant, and yet also circumspect. This owes in large measure to the logical likelihood that any such “jumping” glitches would affect all candidates equally. But it must be conceded that more than a few reports like the one above made the social media rounds beginning on May 8.

It is the Green Mouse’s understanding that a citizen inquiry has been made, and the Election Board may be taking these reports into consideration; consequently, we’ll pass this along and encourage any voter who experienced anything noteworthy to speak with the Secretary of State’s office and tell them about it.

The number is 1-866-461-8683.