The Facebook page is Colonial Manor Redevelopment Visioning and the listening session is Wednesday evening, 6:30 p.m. at the First Church of God (corner of Charlestown Road and Silver Street). I’ll be there. Following are two follow-up passages from the movement’s prime mover, Kathy Copas.
So we are in the home stretch now and SO looking forward to welcoming and hearing from each and every one of you Wednesday night who wants to speak, share, ask questions, just visit and meet others, or sit quietly and listen. Tell your neighbors and friends. Please come and cast a big vision for Colonial Manor. Remember—no matter what happens with all of our city officials and the countless meetings, resolutions, and voting about purchase or no purchase, Colonial Manor and the challenges of it and Charlestown Road are still right here in front of us each day. And, it is still up to all of us to continue to be proactive about casting creative vision and then figuring out how to move mountains, if necessary, to help make great things happen. See you there!
And …
Thanks to all who have asked what they can still do/offer in support of our Colonial Manor Listening Session tomorrow night. Here are a few opportunities. Please private message us or post up if you want to help out. Right now, we could still use some bottled water, two-liter soft drinks, cups, and ice. We know some of you are clearing out Easter treats this week. So, if you have any leftover Easter candy, chips, cheese, crackers, fruit or anything simple like that, just bring it along! We could also use any donations you would like to make directly to the First Church of God for being kind enough to host us. And, we can always use more door prizes! Maybe you have a beautiful house or garden item that no longer works for your home. Maybe you’re downsizing and have an item or two that would make a good prize. Or, perhaps you’re willing to put together a gift basket or pick up a gift card someone would enjoy. The more door prizes, the more fun we can have between our serious listening time. For all you do, thank you!