Hello darkness, my old friend: Is David Barksdale yet again the council’s swing vote on Gahan’s Colonial Manor power play?


“Shades of the Reisz Mahal,” said the spider to the fly.

The Green Mouse has been told that occasional Republican councilman David Barksdale, who has voted with City Hall almost as often as council’s Rubber Stamp Quartet of Democrats, yet again looks like the swing vote; the Mouse’s abacus shows the Democratic foursome in favor, with two Republicans and two Independents opposed.

Of course we’re referring to Thursday evening’s resolution to approve the Redevelopment Commission’s use of the city’s TIF One Platinum card to purchase the moribund Colonial Manor shopping center from absentee owners.

ON THE AVENUES: Amid Deaf Gahan’s “victory” over grassroots activists at Colonial Manor, the toxic paranoia is no less rancid.

At last week’s Redevelopment fix-fest, council president Blair asked for documentation of the city’s current TIF zone status. It runs for quite a few pages, and can be viewed here: CCPackets-041819

Here’s the resolution. The bracketed passage explains why this measure even appears before council, and isn’t just another backroom deal.

And this statement by redevelopment director Staten is meant to allay fears that the crazily rushed Colonial Manor deal isn’t, well, just another backroom deal.

Is a construction date of 1965 historic enough for Barksdale’s fetish? Will he fall into Dear Leader’s bed/web/thrall as before? Or is it time to Make Spines Great Again (MSGA)?