As noted in this space on Tuesday, institutional cowardice helps to explain why the Board of Works has routinely ignored complaints about the dangerous intersection of Main and Bank Streets since at least 2015.
To understand this situation, one must don a Hazmat suit, shrink to corpuscle dimensions and climb inside the mind of our terminally bunker-bound mayor, who views the hostile world outside in simple shades of black and white.
Jeff Gahan regards himself as perfect; as such, all his top-down directives must also be perfect, because as Aquinas probably wrote, imperfection cannot ever be the product of perfection.
Therefore, a point of view differing from Gahan’s is by definition imperfect, and by extension, those expressing a differing point of view can be doing so for political reasons alone. To Gahan, why else would imperfection exist if not to disrupt his own carefully laid plans? Therefore, opposition always is political,not related to ideas and content.
If you’re a Mt. Tabor Road resident, a downtown business owner, a public housing dweller, a bicyclist, a homeowner in an area intended for annexation, owner of a motor vehicle targeted with selective enforcement or supporter of David White, Mark Seabrook or Dan Coffey, you’re an enemy.
Your reasons for asking questions are not important, because who questions perfection?
Only a malcontent.
It’s Gahan (and to a vastly lesser extent the DemoDisneyDixiecrats) against the world, and if your captive city engineer has been using the same excuse for four long years — (simper, whimper) we can’t do anything to make a street safe for all users unless we conduct a study, which we may or may not consider at some point in the future — then it’s Gahan doing the talking, and what Gahan is saying is this:
Be good little boys and girls, take this medicine I’m giving you, and never forget to be seen glorifying New Gahania, not asking stupid questions of perfection incarnate.
Business owners want to see changes made to busy New Albany intersection, by Hayden Ristevski (WDRB)
Some New Albany business owners have major concerns about a busy intersection.
Cisa Kubley, owner of Sew Fitting, and Stacie Bale, co-owner of Road Runner Kitchen, both said the intersection of Bank and Main Streets is too dangerous.
“We spend all day listening to car tires screeching and horns being blown, because people are in a hurry to get through here,” Kubley said.
It’s hard for drivers to see oncoming traffic on Main Street if they’re attempting to turn off of Bank Street. There also is not an outlined cross walk for people trying to cross Main Street.
“It’s scary as a pedestrian to try to cross this street at the width, because you always feel like you have to run,” Kubley said.
There is a crosswalk on Bank Street, but cars turning off of Main Street may have a hard time seeing pedestrians.
“You can’t cross it safely,” Bale said …