Hugo and Nadia no doubt would approve.
I’m sure the block captains soon will erect a garish Rhode Island-sized billboard in their yard, but it’s still nice to steal an occasional march on the ruling elite.
For the coming week in our bid for Jeffxit, be sure to read ON THE AVENUES this Tuesday for a profile in mayoral retribution. Also, don’t forget Saturday’s forum at the library.
“David White for Mayor” Town Hall Meeting is at the library on Saturday, April 6 at 10:30 a.m.
By this time most readers know I’m supporting David White in the primary, and I urge all voters within city limits to cast their votes for David. Let’s end this intemperate reign in the spring, and at long last have a genuine conversation about policy for the fall.
I’m working on a detailed endorsement, so stay tuned for that, too.