Merchant Meeting tomorrow morning (Tuesday, March 19) at Mariposa Consignments.


Mayor Jeff M. Gahan presents your monthly “Downtown from the Top Down” fait accompli tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. By the way, Develop New Albany has a whole new way to “reach out” and redefine Nawbany’s intrinsic surrealism:

Let’s see: “And like a Good Neighbor, DNA is there”?

Wait — a mere hundred dollars for NA Confidential to buy Kelly Winslow a Good Neighbor Membership, so she can upgrade to VIP status for the Taco Walk event that DNA stole from her?

Tempting. Anyone want to go halves?

We are excited to reintroduce our Residential membership level now called the “Good Neighbor” level to you! We are a non profit volunteer based organization and we rely on community support to fund our programs, small business loan program and projects throughout the year. Would you please consider becoming a member? We are looking to fund a residential facade grant program with the funds from Good Neighbor memberships. As the program grows, more details about the application process and funds distribution will be worked out. If you have any questions, please reach out to Heather Trueblood, Program Coordinator at 812-941-0018 or for more info check out our website

Like I’ve always said: When you live in New Albany, fiction simply cannot compete with reality.