Chronicles of New Gahania: The DNR’s Slate Run Creek Public Hearing will take place on November 28.


It’s important to remember that from now until the May primary, City Hall will do next to nothing without first placing the suggested action (or non-action) into the context of the mayoral re-election campaign.

This is imperative has taken on a whole new (and greater) dimension since the most recent local Democratic electoral catastrophe. Mayor Gahan and for remaining Democratic council persons now are the Alamo personified, surrounded by Republicans and prepared to expend to the very last dollar.

Meanwhile, the resistance continues on Mt. Tabor Road. 

Good news, the Department of Natural Resources Water Division accepted our petition regarding the erosion repair work done on Slate Run Creek (along Mount Tabor Road) close to Kahls Body Shop. It will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 28 at 5 the City County Building, Commissioners Meeting Room located at 311 Hauss Square. (This is the week AFTER Thanksgiving)

The scope of the public hearing, held under IC 14-11-4-8, will be limited to the authority vested in the Department of Natural Resources by the permitting statutes. This authority is confined to the floodway of the stream and any impact that the project may have on:

1) The efficiency and capacity of the f1oodway;
2) The safety of life or property;
3) Fish, wildlife, or botanical resources; and,
4) The cumulative effects of the above items.

Only issues that are directly related to this application for construction in a floodway will be addressed. Under the permitting statutes, the Department has no authority in zoning, local drainage, construction outside of the floodway, burning, etc.; therefore, topics beyond the Department’s jurisdiction will not be discussed during the hearing.

Those of you who signed the petition will receive a copy of the notification letter, and a copy is attached for the rest of you. If you can not attend, please feel free to email me a letter with the questions and/or concerns you would like submitted to the DNR. Hope to see you there!