The only reason this information is being passed along to you is that maybe we’ll be issued a cease and desist for violating the copyright, in which case a blank sheet of paper will flutter to the ground as our attorney proclaims, “You cannot copyright wet air, however flowery the negation of substance.”
Or, look ma — we scored a touchdown.
Please try to forget the five TDs scored against us.
Thank you for your support.
Special thanks to our candidates, volunteers, and poll workers
We’d like to take a moment and say thank you. From our canvassers who knocked on over 6,000 doors in the last weekend alone to all of our precinct committee persons, poll workers and other staff members, who worked to elect our candidates and ensure a smooth election – Thank you.
The 2018 Election saw an unprecedented turnout for a midterm election – 55.24%. That translates to 32,218 votes cast and we’re proud so many participated in our democratic process.
We’re also proud of the hard work of our Democratic candidates. For the past six months , you have represented us carrying forward a positive vision for Floyd County and Indiana that reflects what we can accomplish together as a community. While the campaign may have ended, your message will continue and endure as we move forward working to deliver on the promise of a better tomorrow.
We celebrate with our Democratic candidates who won their races last night:
- County Council Member Tom Pickett
- Franklin Township Board Members Maggie Ann Heitkemper and Donald Schickel
- Lafayette Township Board Member Betty Zipp Batliner
- New Albany Township Trustee David Brewer
- New Albany Township Board Member Rick Cochran
- Georgetown Town Board Member Billy Haller
- School Board At-Large Member V. Elaine Gunterman Murphy
- School Board District 1 Member Donna Corbett
Today, we have new opportunities and challenges as we continue to work for the best interests of our community. We want to congratulate last night’s winners on both sides of the aisle. We will work with you for the benefit of our community. In the words of Ted Kennedy, “The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.”
Paid for by the Floyd County Democratic Party
Adam Dickey, Chair ~ Sarah Bonifer, Vice Chair ~ Tony Toran, Secretary ~ Janey Willman, Treasurer
Copyright © 2018 Floyd County Democratic Party, All rights reserved.