PINTS & UNION PORTFOLIO: Our long period of unpredictability with regard to the draft lineup should come to an end next week.


We returned from Gdansk, Poland on Tuesday evening, and no, a keg of Zwiec Porter was not among the checked luggage.

However, my first-ever draft tasting of this wonderful Baltic Porter will not soon be forgotten. Note the absence of compunction with regard to my chosen Gdansk establishment’s big fat half-liter pour of the 9.5% abv elixir.

Back home at Pints&union, I can state with near certainty that our long period of unpredictability with regard to the draft lineup will come to an end next week.


Although it might get a tad confusing in the interim, please give me until next Wednesday (November 14), when I earnestly hope the following will occur.

  • Draft Anchor Porter finally will return
  • A lengthy run of Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale will commence
  • There’ll be no outages of Pilsner Urquell, Fuller’s London Pride, Guinness, Falls City and Bell’s Two Hearted Ale (by the way the latter, temporarily depleted, should return tomorrow, Friday, November 9)
  • There’ll be a new selection in the rotating Serendipity tap slot for just a bit longer until Thanksgiving weekend arrives, when Bloomington Brewing Company’s Persimmon Ale and Dogfish Head Punkin will be tapped

Prior to our departure last Monday, I told you about a one-off keg of Donum Dei 812 Nouveau Harvest IPA.

PINTS & UNION PORTFOLIO: Our keg of Donum Dei 812 Nouveau Harvest IPA will be tapped on Tuesday, October 30.

It’s still pouring, so for those of you interested in a locally-hopped IPA, give one a try.

Finally, the Extra Aulde Gale’s Scrumpy Cider “Liam’s Hill” still is pouring and will be available for the foreseeable future.

Apologies for the current absence of Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier; I know how fond of it some of you are, and it remains my intention to keep bottles stocked when draft is out of season. We’ll have it back next week, and until then, allow me to recommend Schneider Weisse — same style, different brewery.

That’s the update-of-the-moment.