ASK THE BORED: The mayor, the board, his HWC and their insincere speeding study for Spring Street.


Let’s see if we have this straight.

The same firm channeling thousands of dollars into the mayor’s re-election fund is hired to conduct an insincere two-month speed study on the same street it redesigned for the explicit purpose of NOT hindering speedy pass-through traffic, having previously repeated on numerous occasions that nothing can be done to reduce speeds, and the newest study to determine what any of them — city officials or contractors alike — could learn just by walking by Spring Street for a little while, watching and feeling the mayhem.

This is the way your city rigs things.

It doesn’t have to be this way, you know. Follow the money … and in 2019, FLUSH the clique.

Speed study planned for Spring Street in New Albany
, by Chris Morris (Tom May Compendium)

NEW ALBANY — HWC Engineering, under the direction of the city of New Albany, is preparing to conduct a speed study along Spring Street, from Vincennes to State Street.

While officials say speed has decreased on Spring since the street was converted to two-way traffic last year, they want to collect data and see if there are areas that may need more signage or other mechanisms to slow speed.

Sally Hughes, with HWC Engineering, told the New Albany Board of Public Works & Safety Tuesday that radar detection will be placed on poles along Spring “in the next few weeks” to measure traffic for two months. Once data is collected, she will report back to the board of works.

“This will allow us to get a better understanding [of speed] and see if there are additional areas that may need a little more help,” Larry Summers, city engineer, said.