Jeff Gahan’s war against Mt. Tabor residents is another reason to flush the clique in 2019.


“If they’re going to continue to take the right of way back so then we’d have to come and repurchase again, which is a cumbersome option to begin with, I would just hate to do all that over.”

City engineer Larry Summers’ opening comment in Danielle Grady’s newspaper report (below) perfectly summarizes Team Gahan’s collective, bored and arrogant indifference to the lives of humans existing outside the institutional inbreeding of the Gahanite ruling clique.

That’s why Jeff Gahan’s here, remember? To pretend he’s listening.

Mt. Tabor residents haven’t finished yet, as Deaf Gahan faces a court date: “Eminent Domain Law Put to Test Against City of New Albany.”

But that’s okay, Jeffrey. Keep on keeping on.

Roll out the heavy artillery and smash the Mt. Taborites with a phalanx of lawyers, seize whatever land you need, and keep the juice flowing from the various contractors, engineers and vendors into the lifeblood of your campaign finance account.

Voters are quite capable of seeing Team Gahan’s petulant displays of self-centered, regime-first spite. They’re witnessing an escalating absence of fundamental human empathy of the sort occurring when the bunker-bound can no longer distinguish between people and dollar signs.

To paraphrase John Lennon, one thing Jeff Gahan can’t hide is when he’s crippled inside, and voters are sensing the unmistakable odor of decadence and decay, so please, Deaf, keep lobbing those shells at the dissidents.

With each explosion, votes melt away in disgust.

Have you considered which of your campaign cash patrons might undertake to hire you as consulting piss boy for six figures when the end finally comes? I’m betting on HWC Engineering, although ol’ Jorge Lanz’s checkbook has been smoking hot for a long time.

Or will they sniff the wind, catch a teasing hint of the political putrefaction, and conclude that veneer salesmen are no longer altogether that interesting once their power is gone?

I’m betting on the latter. It’s going to be a painful comeuppance when the cult of personality is revealed to be fashioned from wet Bud Light Lime beer labels, but that’s the way hubris works.


Legal challenge has city considering old Mount Tabor intersection plans, by Danielle Grady (Tom May Content Repository)

NEW ALBANY — The city abandoning its plans for additional traffic studies and going ahead with turning Mount Tabor Road and Klerner Lane into a signalized intersection may be an option for New Albany as a resident asks for land back that was taken for the stalled project.

“If they’re going to continue to take the right of way back so then we’d have to come and repurchase again, which is a cumbersome option to begin with, I would just hate to do all that over,” said City Engineer Larry Summers after a Floyd County Circuit Court hearing regarding the resident’s legal motion.

New Albany’s attorney in its Mount Tabor Road eminent domain cases, Greg Fifer, is recommending that the city takes that route. Ultimately, the decision would be up to Mayor Jeff Gahan and the New Albany Board of Public Works and Safety, Fifer said, but he believes nothing is stopping the city from doing so.

Nothing, maybe, but public opinion.