The jokes write themselves as “Duggins Does the Democratic Women’s Caucus Picnic.”


Junket days of yore.

Speaking of picnics, here’s another. Check your TASERs at the door, please — and while we’re at it, how’s that permanent director’s job search coming?

Gahan’s NAHA putsch continues to dazzle the DemoDisneyDixiecrats, so let’s ask Irving Joshua about zero threshold, employee drug testing and the status of “interim.”

Floyd Co. Democratic Women’s Caucus Picnic

Thursday, July 12th, 6:00 p.m.

Join the Democratic Women’s Caucus this Thursday!

The Floyd County Democratic Women’s Caucus will hold their annual picnic this Thursday, July 12th, beginning at 6:00 p.m. In addition to social fellowship we will have guests Tony Toran and Dave Duggins discuss the future plans for the New Albany Housing Authority. The main course and drinks will be provided and we are asking members to bring a dish to the event. Here are the details:

Women’s Caucus Picnic
Thursday, July 12th 6:00p.m.
at the Home of Connie Sipes
1347 Grable Court
New Albany, IN


Sarah Bonifer
Vice Chair, FCDP