TONIGHT’S MEETING REMINDER: “Town hall to discuss possible Reisz purchase.”


Don’t forget tonight’s meeting about the Reisz Elephant.

Stop the Reisz Elephant: There’ll be a public meeting on Wednesday, June 27, downstairs at the library, at 6:00 p.m.

The newspaper recaps the story and previews the meeting.

Town hall to discuss possible Reisz purchase, by Chris Morris (Tom May Press)

NEW ALBANY — Dan Coffey said a lot of people are upset about the proposed purchase of the old Reisz furniture building for the new city hall, and he hopes many of them come to his town hall meeting tonight to share their feelings.

The meeting, at 6 p.m. at the New Albany-Floyd County Public Library, is intended to “get the facts out,” about the cost of the building, according to Coffey. He said there are questions that have not been answered by the city’s administration.

“The bottom line is they have not been forthcoming with the answers,” Coffey, first district city councilman, said. “The process has been flawed and the real information has not been given to the public.”

Readers, I’ve been doing my best to cover this issue, and the simplest way to look at it is that historic preservation is the very last consideration. It’s actually a red herring. The Reisz Elephant is about Jeff Gahan’s power and his political aims, as lubricated by lots and lots of money.

Look past the stated aims, and see the corrupt underbelly of the current occupant.


Reisz Elephant: Lawyer Gibson hails redevelopment’s back-room RFP fix as an excellent way to do business with just one company.

Jeff Gahan handed Denton Floyd $750,000 to kick-start the Reisz project. Where are the documents detailing this transaction?

2-for-1? Scott Blair describes a better way to save the Reisz building AND get a new city hall.

Donald Trump would greatly appreciate the disruptiveness of Jeff Gahan’s signature Reisz Elephant.

Jeff Gahan’s attacks on county government stand an excellent chance of hurting the business climate in New Albany.

ON THE AVENUES: Government Lives Matter, so it’s $10,000,000 for Gahan’s luxury city hall clique enhancement. Happy dumpster diving, peasants!

GREEN MOUSE SAYS: Latest Reisz City Hall cost estimate reaches $9,250,000 — and the tote board keeps spinning.

Truth is stranger than fact: Back in 2012, the Reisz building was to become a senior living complex. Bob Caesar kneecapped it — and Deaf Gahan DISAGREED with Cee-Saw.

ON THE AVENUES: Histrionic preservation? $8.5 million to gift Jeff Gahan with a new city hall “want” is inexcusable and simply obscene in a time of societal need.