Roger encourages you to vote for Dan Canon for Congress.


It’s been a while since NA Confidential attempted any sort of comprehensive candidate endorsement slate, although on occasion individual aspirants have been singled out for praise.

This blog is a one-man show, and there isn’t an editorial board. Maybe there should be, as composed of friends and volunteers. That’s something to consider for the general election, but not for the primary, apart from letting readers know which candidates made public statements about the NAHA putsch.

Election Day draws near. Find out which candidates have issued public statements about Deaf Gahan’s public housing acreage takeover.

That said, the Confidentials voted this morning at the clerk’s office, and my vote went to Dan Canon for 9th district congressman.

Ironically, last week I was walking up Main Street and ran into Liz Watson, Canon’s opponent, who was out canvassing. A third candidate, Rob Chatlos, also appears on the Democratic ballot.

Watson’s campaign manager was with her, and when she asked me if she had my vote, he interjected: “He (Roger) is a Canon guy.”

I nodded, and she asked why. I told her that as a leftist/socialist in a Northern European mold, Canon’s platform jibes more closely with my point of view. That’s the truth of the matter.

But there’s something else.

Watson appears to have the support of the local Democratic establishment, and if we’re speak here about endorsements, seeing 15 of Watson’s yard signs cluttering John Rosenbarger’s lawn emphatically isn’t one of them. The local Democratic “brain trust” is the problem, not the solution, and most of them are supporting her.

Some of my closest friends disagree, and that’s okay. In terms of conscience, my primary reason for supporting Canon is the strength of his platform, not my writhing revulsion with Adam Dickey’s usual beige suspects.

Canon’s platform is not perfect. Almost nothing is said about foreign policy, especially American war-mongering around the globe. I’ll be asking Dan for more substance on foreign policy in the run-up to the general election.

And if Watson wins?

Dude, when it comes to the pressing issues of the day, I’m no friend of Trey Hollingsworth.

I’m also sick and tired of voting “against” Republicans by voting “for” the inanity of the Democratic National Committee’s neoliberal cash envy.

Ask me again next Wednesday.

Until then, my personal endorsement goes to Dan Canon for Congress.