Read township trustee candidate Steve Burks’ statement about affordable housing in New Albany.


We’re passing along these candidate statements as Aaron Fairbanks of We Are New Albany harvests them.

From the start, NA Confidential’s stance has been that any primary election contestant who’ll actually make a public statement addressing the Democratic mayor Jeff Gahan’s hostile takeover of public housing, and Gahan’s subsequent assaults on our city’s most vulnerable populations, at least merits consideration for voting — as opposed to the ones who have refused to comment at all.

As to the quality and content of these statements … well, we’ll get to that when there’s time, but dear reader, your thoughts are welcome in the interim.

With only a month to go, who are we missing? As for the Democrats, I’d personally like to hear from Sam Charbonneau, Jason Applegate and Tom Pickett. Among the Republicans, Trey Hollingsworth is notably absent. Fairbanks continues making the rounds, so perhaps a few more candidates will opt for openness.

Steve Burks (R), the incumbent candidate for township trustee in New Albany, submitted this statement prior to WANA’s political social on April 7, and I’m told that Burks and Republican Party chairman Shawn Carruthers (himself a candidate for county commissioner) attended the New Albany Housing Authority board of commissioners meeting on Monday.

Let’s hope they wore their hip boots.

“First, I know what it is like to be in need of an affordable place to live. I grew up in a single mom home spending time in public housing. My mother worked two jobs and we eventually were able to move. I was 16 at the time of her death and with an absentee dad I found my self living with relatives until I was 17 and then needing a place to live. I worked two jobs myself to keep a roof over my head. What does this have to do with affordable housings? I know the emotions connected to not knowing where you might be laying your head. That being said I am opposed to any displacement of individuals without a comprehensive plan to “help” individuals with the basic necessity of affordable living. I use the term living on purpose because it is more than just a roof over a person. Living means being engaged in the community to make it a better place for all the citizens of New Albany. We are God’s creation and should be treated with dignity and respect.”


Fairbanks: “It is crucial that candidates use their platforms and their voices to shine a light on this issue, because the people most impacted by this issue are often left invisible in the political decision-making process.”

Liz Watson’s statement about public housing concerns in New Albany focuses on the federal.

Kudos to congressional candidate Rob Chatlos for his direct and honest support of public housing residents threatened by Jeff Gahan’s putsch.

Read Dan Canon’s statement about the issue of public housing in New Albany.

Three more candidates have provided statements to We Are New Albany about their positions on Jeff Gahan’s public housing demolition fetish.

Grooms, Murray join Clere in addressing public housing concerns during NAHA candidate forum.

We Are New Albany press release, Part Two: “We Are New Albany endorses Republican candidate Ed Clere of Indiana State House of Representatives, District 72.”

Democratic State Senate candidate Anna Murray replies to our question about the New Albany Housing Authority.

Councilman Al Knable: “I haven’t given a formal public statement on NAHA but I’m happy to respond here.”