For the record: Three prompt acknowledgments of receipt, with city-subsidized Develop New Albany persisting in unresponsiveness.


As noted recently, NA Confidential asks many questions, and regular readers know all too well that not all these questions are answered.

For more than two years, Bob Caesar and the city of New Albany have combined to stonewall every effort we’ve made to explore Bicentennial Commission finances.

The history of our public records requests from City Hall is one of unending futility; the legal department merely giggles amid blatant subterfuge, partial answers and related diversions.

Adam Dickey’s disney-fried Democratic Party has blocked us from social media communications channels. All the while the Southern Indiana-based chain newspaper looks the other way, and the one in Louisville seldom looks this direction at all.

But we persist in the belief that even when savagely rebuffed, a trail of post-it notes in the form of comments on various public records (meeting minutes, etc.) might some day assist the reparations committee and federal investigators when the New Gahania Wall finally crumbles.

Following are updates on the most recent round of information requests, with the oldest coming first.

Develop New Albany is playing hard to reach.

November 20: GREEN MOUSE SAYS: We keep trying to ask DNA about the Taco Walk, and DNA keeps making like Jeff Gahan on the down low.

To date, I haven’t received a reply to any of these three separate (August) queries. However, I think the message was received, because at some point in late September or early October, the e-mail addresses of DNA board members were scrubbed from the web site. How very Gahanesque, hence this public notice of intent.

If you’re keeping score, NAC’s total since the Taco Walk is four unanswered e-mails, in addition to our apparent removal from the notification list for monthly merchant meetings. I’ve asked for clarification of the latter … and received no reply.

Who do they think they are, anyway?

Wait — don’t answer that.

The good news is that both redevelopment officials replied promptly today to yesterday’s questions.

November 29: For the record, my letter to redevelopment officials v.v. Dan Coffey’s for-pay parking lot on city property during Harvest Homecoming.

My question: Did the Redevelopment Commission, or someone on the city’s redevelopment staff, or one of you, or the mayor himself, issue explicit permission for Coffey to use public property for parking cars during Harvest Homecoming?

If yes, is there a record?

If no, then doesn’t this mean it was illegal, and if so, what does the city propose to do about it?

First, the interim director.

Mr. Baylor:

Please let this serve as notice of receipt of your email dated November 29. Our office will review and research this matter and provide the appropriate response and/or update within 10 days.

Shane L. Gibson
Corporate Counsel
City of New Albany

Then the board member/secretary.

Dear Mr. Baylor: Thank you for your response. I apologize for the delay in getting back with you as I have been out of town on business the past several days. I believe City Attorney Shane Gibson has responded to your inquiry and will be providing you the information you requested. If you have any questions, please direct them to Mr. Gibson at 812-948-5333.


Adam Dickey
Board Member
New Albany Redevelopment Commission

Of course, the bad news is that similarly unctuous responses have come our way before, to be followed by a staggering boatload of nothingness.

However, as opposed to DNA’s injudiciousness, these purely bureaucratic notes of receipt are better than none at all.

Finally, Linda Moeller also was very prompt.

November 29: For the record, my letter to the city controller v.v. payroll claims.

My request concerns a specific claim, as follows:

Payroll Claims: 1,058,603.61
(Bank 2)

Can you please provide me with an itemized listing of these claims?

Mr. Baylor,

I am in receipt of your email request for copies of payroll claims that were approved by the BOW on November 7th and will provide or give you a status update within 10 days.

Linda Moeller
Controller, City of New Albany

I harbor no illusions, and yet the efforts will continue.