The Redevelopment Commission’s meeting calendar has been scrubbed from the city’s web site, but somehow, somewhere, they’ll be asked about Coffey’s pocket-lining parking project.


So, exactly who granted councilman Dan Coffey permission to operate a for-pay parking scam for four days during Harvest Homecoming on city-owned property?

Another question, this being whether Coffey dealt squarely with the Knights of Columbus when it came time to donate proceeds to the mother (father?) ship … well, that’s for the organization’s management to answer. Until then, merely consider the public relations value of D. Coffey, restaurateur.

At any rate, we’ve ruled out both the Board of Public Works and Safety and developer Matt Chalfant. One member of the Redevelopment Commission says it never came up there, but as with BOW, it’s best to broach the topic at a meeting to ensure it appears on the public record, and so I went to the city’s web site to see when the next meeting will be held.

No results found.

Conversely, I might ask Redevelopment’s secretary or the commission’s interim director.

That’s Democratic Party muzzler-in-chief Adam Dickey and City Hall’s top-paid attorney Shane Gibson, respectively.

I’ll reconnoiter the third floor on the second Tuesday in December, just in case — and in spite of the probable non-cooperative reception, Dickey and Gibson also will be asked.

Here’s the chronology to date.

SHANE’S EXCELLENT NEW WORDS: Coffey is unabashed, and so the embarrassment belongs to the city — again.

Unless the Redevelopment Commission or City Hall granted permission, Dan Coffey illegally parked cars on city property during Harvest Homecoming. Period. Censure, anyone?

ASK THE BORED: Maserati, Mussolini, Missoula — whatever, so the Green Mouse is off to learn more about Dan Coffey’s HH parking profits at the infamous grassy knoll.

UPDATE: BOW suggests it wasn’t informed about councilman Dan Coffey’s Harvest Homecoming parking profits at 32 Bank Street.

GREEN MOUSE SAYS: Did BOW give Dan Coffey permission to leverage city-owned ground during the Orange Occupation?