In this post far more than most, an earnest disclaimer is necessary.
If you genuinely enjoy the New Albany civic institution known as Harvest Homecoming, please stop reading now.
(taps finger impatiently on rump of adjacent cat)
In perfect seriousness, to each his or her own, but the following words are not for you.
Do as you please amid the crush of UK-jacketed humanity, just allow skeptics our space.
This one’s for the dissidents, okay?
For the rest of you, whatever the degree of your orange-hued antipathy, whether mild or flagrant, consider helping me with a satirical list to be known as NAC’s TOP TEN List of Harvest Homecoming Coping Hacks.
What are your suggestions?
As an example:
“At the last minute with no warming, change the street direction to confuse the parade committee.”
Submit your choices in the usual manner, as comments here or on social media, or directed to Roger. These will be collected and published, so as to allow fest advocates another chance to ignore the preceding disclaimer.
Previously at NA Confidential (September 28, 2016):