Nationally, the question is this: To what extent will Democrats contradict themselves and gut their principles to win back the House?
Locally, it’s phrased this way: To what extent will Democrats contradict themselves and gut their principles to keep Jeff Gahan in the mayor’s office?
Damn — the hypocrisy meter’s flashing “TILT,” and I’m fresh out of Adamite Sickness Bags.
No ‘litmus test’ on abortion? Shame on Democrats backing anti-choice candidates, by Jamie Peck (The Guardian)While Hillary Clinton stood firm on the issue during her 2016 election campaign, she also said that ‘of course’ you could be anti-abortion and a feminist
As Donald Trump and his cast of flatterers continue their incompetent war on the American people, the Democrats seem more determined than ever to bungle their comeback from 2016’s humiliating defeat.
From small-thinking policy proposals (as outlined in Chuck Schumer’s New York Times editorial last week) and slogans that read like satire (“I mean, have you seen the other guys?”) to their quixotic obsession with wooing “moderate” Republicans and the rich to the detriment of progressives and the poor, their strategy is, at best, a wet fart. At worst, it’s a plan to sell out everything they once stood for.
The latest principle to be jettisoned like so much dead weight, or at least the latest one people are talking about: a woman’s right to choose.