New Albany Indie Fest on hiatus: “The festival’s organizers are saddened to announce that New Albany Indie Fest will not be held in 2017.”


The following statement was posted at Facebook earlier this evening.

Last year the New Albany Indie Fest celebrated its fifth year of advocating localism by showcasing local artists, musicians and independent businesses.

Unfortunately, the festival’s organizers are saddened to announce that New Albany Indie Fest will not be held in 2017. It is uncertain at this time whether the hiatus is temporary or permanent, but we’ll be considering Indie Fest’s future, and we welcome your input.

Indie Fest’s steering committee is grateful for your interest and support, and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped and became involved in any way these past five years.

In closing, remember these words from BALLE, the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies:

“Localism is grounded in the belief that relationships matter, most. The way we interact with where we live — who we do business with — how we connect with people, other life, the land — all of it matters.”


New Albany Indie Fest Steering Committee