(2nd notice remix) DNA’s next Merchant Meeting will be June 20th at 8:30 a.m. at Wick’s Pizza (225 State Street).


“the octopus’s secret wish
is not to be a formal fish
he dreams that some time he may grow
another set of legs or so
and be a broadway music show”
Don Marquis

There will be a downtown merchant meeting next week. The latest reminder is a tad more substantive than the last, and so I’ll repeat the notice in its entirety.

First, a flashback to August, 2016.

ON THE AVENUES: There has never been a better time for an Independent Business Alliance in New Albany.

 … Independent, locally-owned small business owners must evade the intended diversion of time spent micromanaging periodic events and instead put their mouths where their money is by heeding the advice of the American Independent Business Alliance (AMIBA) and embracing a simple but eloquent truth: “There truly is strength in numbers.”


Sunday rumination: Independent local merchants can’t shy away from the big picture.

… We welcome visitors, but we don’t need to be Franklin, Tennessee. We need to be New Albany, Indiana, considering downtown economic development strategies based on who and where we are, as embracing 37,000 residents already living here. We’re better off doing this ourselves, not begging for scraps from this or any other City Hall with its own political imperatives in mind.

I haven’t been attending these meetings, and probably won’t resume doing so in the near future. As the minutes below attest, there seems to have been a fair amount of one-directional information being dispensed. As I’ve been saying for the past 13 years, I believe this to be a waste of time.

In my view, it’s regrettable that the merchant mixer meeting, an idea intended to spark discussion among stakeholders, now has become yet another top-down spoon-feeding opportunity. City Hall and DNA read marching orders. Rinse and repeat.

In particular, not a word has been breathed about the ongoing public housing putsch. Disagree with me if you will, and that’s perfectly acceptable, but for downtown merchants to dismiss involvement in event unfolding a half-mile away from their shops is myopic.

Up the revolution, lads and lassies — sooner rather than later, and not to forget: It’s just another day, so what if I’ve no interest in being “blessed”?

Happy Friday! We are exited to see you all on Tuesday morning at 8:30 at Wick’s on State Street.  It’s an exciting time for New Albany and there are many upcoming events we want to be sure everyone knows about! If your business has an event coming up, please email the details to developnainfo@gmail.com and we will add it to our website calendar.

We also have a guest speaker coming, Emily Hagedorn from Yelp. She is the Community Director for Yelp and will be showing us…
In addition to being a useful tool for consumers, Yelp enables savvy business owners the ability to reach and rouse powerful influencers to help build a brand — with most Yelp tools being free for businesses to use. Perhaps most powerful of all, Yelp allows business owners the ability to be a part of the conversation that consumers are having about businesses to the tune of 26 million monthly app users, 73 million monthly mobile web users and 84 million monthly desktop users. Yelp Louisville Community Director Emily Hagedorn will speak about how business owners can use Yelp to their benefit for free, strengthening relationships with current customers and reaching new ones.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I am also attaching last month’s meeting minutes to this for your review. 

Have a Blessed Day!

Heather Trueblood
Program Coordinator
Develop New Albany, Inc.
222 Pearl Street, Suite 109
New Albany, Indiana 47150
(812) 941-0018

Develop New Albany is a non-profit organization dedicated to the economic revitalization, preservation, and promotion of Downtown New Albany. The organization works with local merchants, property owners, residents, the City of New Albany and others to introduce and make our downtown more attractive.

Don’t Miss these Upcoming Events!

June 16-17 – Floyd County Relay For Life


June 18 – Elks Day at the Downs – Elks Lodge #270

June 29 – Develop New Albany Annual Meeting / Pillar Awards

Merchant/Business Minutes
May 16th, 2017
Teresa called the meeting to order at 8:30am. Everyone introduced themselves and what business they were representing. Thank you to the Glass Gypsy in The Underground Station for hosting this month.
Tourism – Luanne Mattson and Kate Kane – Memorial Day weekend – Jeffersonville is hosting Abbey Road on the River. Tourism Board will have 2 concierge booths and are looking for volunteers. No selling, just advocating for Clark and Floyd if someone needs to know where to eat, shop, stay, etc. Dates are 5/25-5/29 and booth shifts are 3 hours. Please contact Kate Bewley at kate@gosoin.com to volunteer. Please copy Luanne Mattson on all press releases, events that you have going on. Her email is luanne@gosoin.com. June 6 will be the SoIn Tourism Coalition meeting to be held at the Southern Indiana Arts Council. More info will be in this week’s newsletter. Please email Luanne to be sure you are getting the consumer and partner newsletter from the Tourism Board.
Harvest Homecoming – Starting to gear up for the 50th anniversary of HH this fall. In August at the Fair Queen pageant will be the unveiling of the pin and theme.
City of New Albany – 2 way street conversion is underway. Should be completed by early fall. Info can be found at newalbanycityhall.com. Please pay extra attention when driving downtown. River Run Family Waterpark opens Memorial Day weekend. Beautification Day went well… be sure to check out the new mural in the parking lot next to Big 4 Burgers. Parks Dept is kicking off a busy summer program and info can be found online.
Develop New Albany –  Annual Meeting and Pillar Awards will be held Thursday June 29 at TheaterWorks of SoIn at 6pm. Appetizers will be provided and a cash bar will be available. Please join us!
Carnegie Center- Taste of Art and History will be held Labor Day weekend at The Calumet Club. Businesses can participate… for $150, you will be given 2 tickets to the event and signage at the event. Contact dthomas@carnegiecenter.org for more info
PNC Bank – May is Small Business Month. PNC Bank is offering a webX on Thursday May 18th titled “Delivering Happines”. An executive from Zappos will be presenting. Can register online at pnc.comwomen
June 10th and 11th will be the Art on The Parish Green and will be held at St Paul’s Episcopal Church. Over 80+ artists will be there and the YMCA will be hosting a Kids Art Place Tent! More info at  http://www.artontheparishgreen.org/
YMCA  is offering a no join fee. Contact branch for more details.
The Olivet is having a 1 year anniversary celebration Saturday May 20th. Music, refreshments and special deals. They are located in the Underground Station. Dream Boutique will host their 1 year anniv. Party reception on Sat May 27th at 5pm. They are also in The Underground Station.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:25am

Next Merchant Meeting will be June 20th at 8:30am at Wick’s Pizza – 225 State Street.