So Grooms is running again. Will Jeff Gahan “primary” Anna Murray?


I don’t think Gahan will run for the District 46 seat, lest he suffer an electoral humiliation better reserved for 2019, and his botched bid to become Mayor for Life.

As for Jeffersonville resident and attorney Anna Murray’s candidacy, I missed the announcement, but even Wikipedia says she’s running.

State Senate

(Ron) Grooms was elected in 2010, very narrowly defeating popular Floyd County Commissioner Chuck Freiburger to take the seat held by retiring Democrat Connie Sipes. In 2014, Grooms successfully ran for reelection, besting Freiberger again. Grooms will be up for reelection again in 2018. Though he has not announced, he would be facing Democratic challenger Jeffersonville attorney Anna Murray should he choose to run.

Well, now he’s formally announced, so here is Murray’s Fb site:

Anna Murray for Indiana State Senate

Curiously for someone who has been posting since January, she has little to say in terms of an introduction and platform, though judging from her posts, she’s pleasingly left-oriented.

Murray’s candidacy is hopeful, even if Adam Dickey will attach himself to her like a starving leech and drain the lifeblood of principles from her campaign.

Anna should resist being transformed into a female Ted Heavrin.

Chuck Freiberger went drab Clintonista centrist against Grooms twice, and lost both times. Murray might do no better in our conservative paradise, but at least she’d be riding Dan Canon’s potential coattails rather than mimicking the customary NEA-approved candidate — not that I have a beef with the NEA, it’s just that surely there are local Democratic candidates who aren’t teachers?

Right, I know; now they’re lawyers. Okay. We have to begin somewhere.

Conversely, with a Democrat finally running who actually appears to be democratic, NOW will be the time Gahan decides to “primary” her. If so, the primary debate will be vastly entertaining.

That is, if the agoraphobic Gahan bothers showing up.