As I’ve been saying … When the GOP elders get what they want from Trump, he’s gone — and with him the blame.
They’re happier with Pence, anyway.
President Mike Pence? Dems should be ‘careful what they wish for’, experts say, by David Smith (The Guardian)
The idea of Pence taking over from Donald Trump has lately gained traction, but his conservatism and his likely effectiveness pose a threat to the left
Visitors to officialmikepence.com discover an elaborate spoof website for “Mike Pence: the 46th president of the United States”. A banner at the top asks: “Are you a homosexual? If yes, click here.” (It links to hell.com.) A campaign logo refers to Pence and his running mate Christ with crosses and stars. “President Mike Pence is proud to serve the white and Christian population of America for more than two decades,” the page says.
“You might now have created your worst problem because that might end up being a very productive president. You also are putting somebody in who is very socially conservative. So whereas Donald Trump talks about social conservatism but basically he can be talked out of almost anything by his daughter, Mike Pence actually walks the walk.”