Earlier this evening, Bob Lane was fired as director of the New Albany Housing Authority. It is likely other long-term NAHA employees also will be purged.
BREAKING: Bob Lane has been fired by Jeff Gahan’s stacked and packed NAHA public housing board.
It’s important to remember that the stealth public housing putsch of 2017 was years in the making, and that it has been authored by Jeff Gahan. The board? Mere groveling sycophants. Gahan owns this, just as he owns his team’s jihad and subsequent character assassination against former Urban Enterprise Association director Mike Ladd.
The following three links are from 2014, when Ladd’s lawsuit was settled. What Nick Cortolillo said in 2012 about Gahan’s annexation of the UEA applies just as succinctly now, with the NAHA.
“The city of New Albany wanted unlimited access to the enterprise association’s revenue and Ladd was in the way.”
Change the word “revenue” to “land,” and “Ladd” to “Lane” — and there it is.
Feeling good about yourselves, Democrats? Apparently Gahan assumes you’ll continue to fall over yourselves in the scramble to kiss his ring.
He might be right, alas.
Mike Ladd speaks: “Small minds seek small solutions and fight for even smaller purposes.”
Mike Ladd will be leaving town soon to get on with his life, and in a great many ways, it can be said that Mike was chewed up and spit out by the civic dysfunction that’s as much a part of life here in New Albany as stifling summertime humidity and the mafia’s brilliant orange-uniformed disguise as the Harvest Homecoming junta.
Almost from the moment Mike came here to succeed Nick Cortolillo at the UEA, the games began. Develop New Albany, then tethered to the UEA’s revenue stream for sustenance, staged its own South Sudan henhouse flight amid cacophonous squawking and flying feathers, pausing only to dictate self-serving reunification terms. Mike shrugged and went about the business of administering an efficient, streamlined UEA, upon which I served a term, and was fortunate to be a part of something that actually worked.
But, as Cortolillo wrote in 2012, “The city of New Albany wanted unlimited access to the enterprise association’s revenue and Ladd was in the way.”
It’s a shameful chapter in the city’s perennially underachieving history. For three years, Mike was under constant pressure from the grubby, sneering, small-time confidence trickster’s avarice of Doug England and Carl Malysz, only to have the incoming Gahan administration complete the task of decapitating him. It was ugly and unnecessary. It was the very essence of why New Albany fails.
Does anyone even know what the UEA has accomplished since then?
The settlement of Mike Ladd’s lawsuit does little to dissipate the ugliness of his treatment.
I sincerely believe that Mike Ladd was wronged, and it makes me embarrassed to live in a place where such treatment is regarded as proper. Political culture in New Albany suffers from a learning disability.
More on the Ladd lawsuit, in which I tell you exactly what I think.
But wouldn’t it be nice if the city could bring itself to admit to the pre-meditated fiasco of Ladd’s firing, pony up what the contract stipulated, and be done with it?