NA Confidential persists in reprinting these instructions for the safe disposal of syringes and sharps, as found on the city of Louisville’s web site. In New Albany, Team Gahan has chosen to mimic Ronald Reagan’s response to the AIDS crisis by saying nothing at all. More about that in a moment, but first, the final round of newspaper opioid epidemic coverage …
- CROSSROADS OF CRISIS: Anti-drug initiatives loosening heroin’s stronghold
- Our Place sees success in drug prevention programs
- Stories of success: Recovering addicts reveal how they survived drug abuse
… and a series summary by the editor, who against all odds manages to make a devastating observation about the very city her newspaper so often neglects.
DUNCAN: Epidemic a crisis of the conscience, by Susan Duncan (Make Clark County Great Again)
… We hope you found something of merit in our special report “Crossroads of Crisis: Heroin Epidemic Demands Solutions,” which wraps up today. We did.
Addicts. Experts. Survivors. We learned from them all as we dug a shovel into Southern Indiana to help uproot the hold the opioid epidemic has on our communities.
It is, you know, an epidemic. If we were honest with ourselves, it would be listed among the most deadly. Naloxone, the anti-overdose drug, continues — daily — to bring users back to life. It’s the main reason the high numbers of opioid deaths aren’t even more outrageous.
People are dying, though, including young people whose lives held such promise.
Yes, Duncan locates the center of the target when it comes to “leadership” in New Albany, and since NAC has been making this point for weeks …
Bob Caesar’s intrinsically sad battle against drug addiction treatment clinics — and this supposed Democrat’s heroic ongoing advocacy of the beautiful people.
Council wrap: Then Bob Caesar said, “Can’t we just load the opioid addicts on the cattle cars along with public housing residents?”
Does New Albany’s ruling caste grasp that the opioid epidemic doesn’t stop at the Clark County line?
Opiate addiction treatment clinic can duly kicked.
… we applaud her.
… we need a medically supervised place for people to detox. It’s better than a trash-filled alley or the cold concrete of a jail cell. It’s more humane. It offers better outcomes. We talk about it, but that’s about it.
Our passivity is palpable.
For instance, the next-best way, besides a needle exchange, to get spent, dirty needles off our streets is to place needle drop boxes in easily accessible spots in our communities.
Too many places, including New Albany, have rejected that idea, mostly for reasons rooted in fear and lack of knowledge.
Yep — and the main offenders, marooned like clams at the crossroads of denial, are purported Democrats (Gahan, Caesar, Phipps).
At least they have an excuse. They’ve been too busy dismantling public housing to notice the opioid epidemic.
Maybe the newspaper can take note of this, too, now that the series is finished?
Opioid crisis denier Jeff Gahan won’t be reading, but the newspaper’s “Crossroads of Crisis” series continues.
Opioid crisis denier Bob Caesar won’t be reading, but the newspaper’s “Crossroads of Crisis” series continues.
The newspaper’s opioid crisis series continues.